Start 2024 off right by interacting with more of your prospects on social media. Not sure what to post? We’re here to help.
To help you stay on top of social media in 2024, here's an updated version of our yearly calendar. If you already have a schedule or ideas for what to post, use them! This list is a handy backup if you run out of ideas, or are pressed for time. We’ve included finance & insurance items, plus the most well-known hashtags and internet-friendly holidays (like May 4th, for Star Wars fans).
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Weekly Hashtags
If there's nothing on the schedule for a particular day and you want to post, you can always use one of these hashtags. Use them with text, pictures, or video on any social media network. They're especially important on Instagram, if that's one of your active social networks. We included five hashtags per day of the week, which will get you through the entire month.
Not sure which social media networks are right for your agency? Read this post for tips and data-backed strategies for choosing where to focus.
Post a quick text update, a selfie, an inspirational quote, a factoid, tell followers what you’re working on, or provide a financial tip. You can even share someone else's post - tell your followers who your mentors are! Your post doesn't have to be fancy. The point is to share your ideas and point of view with your prospects and clients on a consistent basis.
- #mondaymotivation
- #mondaymorning
- #mindfulmonday
- #mondayfunday
- #mondaymuse
- #tuesdaytip
- #tuesdaytruth
- #tuesdayvibes
- #transformationtuesday
- #tuesdaytreat
- #wednesdaywisdom
- #wednesdayworkout
- #wellnesswednesday
- #wednesdaywords
- #wednesdaynight
- #throwbackthursday or #tbt
- #thursdaythoughts
- #thursdayvibes
- #thursdaymood
- #thursdayfun
- #feelgoodfriday
- #fridayfeeling
- #fridayfun
- #fearlessfriday
- #fridayflow
- #saturdaymorning
- #saturdayfunday
- #saturdaystyle
- #saturdayshenanigans
- #saturdayswag
- #sundaymorning
- #sundaymood
- #sundaybest
- #sundayfunday
- 1st: New Year’s Day. Share your resolution with your followers – that is, if you’re making one. What did you learn in 2023 that will make 2024 even better? #NewYear2024
- 2nd: Dry January Has Begun. Taking some time away from alcohol can improve your mood and sleep, help you lose weight, and rescue your monthly budget from those post-holiday credit card bills. Are you joining the millions making January an alcohol-free month? #DryJanuary #HealthyHabits #AlcoholFree
- 4th: Happy Birthday, Jacob Grimm, Louis Braille, Don Shula. Take your pick!
- Jacob Grimm: Today is Jacob Grimm’s birthday. If you’ve ever read a fairy tale (or seen a Disney movie), there’s a good chance it was based on one of the stories Grimm wrote with his brother. This includes Snow White, Hansel and Gretel, Rapunzel, and Little Red Riding Hood. Hats off to Jacob Grimm on what would have been his 238th birthday! #HappyBirthdayJacobGrimm
- Louis Braille: Today is Louis Braille’s birthday. As you can probably guess by the name, he invented the system of writing called braille in the early 19th century. It uses a system of raised dots that represent letters, creating a way for people without sight to read. Hats off to Louis Braille on what would have been his 214th birthday! #HappyBirthdayLouisBraille
- Don Shula: Today is Don Shula’s birthday. He’s in the American Pro Football Hall of Fame for leading the Miami Dolphins to two Super Bowl titles (1972 and 73). Or maybe you’ve eaten at one of the steakhouses that bear his name. Hats off to a great coach on what would have been his 93rd birthday. #HappyBirthdayDonShula
- 7th: First Transatlantic Phone Service. On this day in 1927, it became possible to call Europe from the United States…if you had the cash! A 3-minute phone call from New York to London would have set you back about $45 (the equivalent of $550 today). To commemorate, call someone you love…for free!
- 9th: Steve Jobs Announced the iPhone. Today in 2007, the world changed forever when Steve Jobs announced the new iPhone. Do you remember life before smartphones? How has this invention changed your life, for better or for worse? #iPhone #technology #TimeFlies #OnThisDay
- 11th: Insulin Used to Treat Diabetes for the First Time. On this day in 1922, insulin was used to treat 14-year-old Leonard Thompson’s Type 1 diabetes – the first time this treatment had been tried! If you or someone you love is struggling with diabetes and needs help getting life insurance, please get in touch. I can help find the coverage you need to protect your loved ones. #OnThisDay
- 13th: Make Your Dreams Come True Day. Today is “Make Your Dreams Come True Day”! What’s your biggest dream…and how are you making it come true? #DreamsComeTrue
- 15th: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Don't let this inspirational holiday pass you by. Click here to see Google’s results for quotes from King and post your favorite. #MLKDay2024
- 19th: Happy Birthday, Dolly Parton! Today, we wish Dolly Parton a happy birthday. Although best known for her music, we love her philanthropy just as much! Her Imagination Library has been mailing a book a month to enrolled kids since 1995 – with over 224 million books sent to over 2.8 million kids around the world. #HappyBirthdayDollyParton
- 20th: Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Inductees. Today in 1988, nine new members of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame were inducted – maybe you’ll recognize a few of these names? ;) The Beach Boys, The Beatles, The Drifters, Bob Dylan, The Supremes, Woody Guthrie, Leadbelly, Les Paul, and Berry Gordy, Jr. #RockAndRoll #HallOfFame #OnThisDay
- 24th: National Compliment Day. Today is National Compliment Day! We shouldn’t need a reason to give someone a compliment, but now we have one. Comment with a compliment for someone who might be overlooked – your mail carrier, your barista, your accountant, your grandma, your assistant…there are so many people who would appreciate a compliment today! #NationalComplimentDay
- 28th: National Kazoo Day. Today is National Kazoo Day. Who remembers playing the kazoo in music class in elementary school? #BackInTheDay
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- ALL MONTH: Black History Month. Share links to documentaries or biographies of your favorite figures from Black history: Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Jackie Robinson, Maya Angelou, George Washington Carver, Langston Hughes, Muhammad Ali…there are so many inspiring people to tell your followers about! #BlackHistoryMonth2024
- 2nd: (1) Groundhog Day, or (2) National Wear Red Day. Take your pick!
- (1) Today is Groundhog Day, the day we find out whether we get an early spring! Share your prediction and what you’ll do if spring comes early. #GroundhogDay2024
- (2) Today is National Wear Red Day! Wear red to support women’s heart health. Nearly 80% of cardiac events can be prevented, yet cardiovascular diseases continue to be a woman’s greatest health threat. To learn about the warning signs of stroke and symptoms of heart disease, check out: https://www.goredforwomen.org/en #WearRedDay
- 4th: Rosa Parks Day. On this day in 1913, Rosa Parks was born. After taking a course in nonviolent civil disobedience, she refused to move further back on a segregated Montgomery bus and was arrested. Today, she is celebrated as a leader in the civil rights movement. This day is a state holiday in California and Missouri. (Ohio and Oregon celebrate Rosa Parks day on December 1, the day she was arrested.) #RosaParksDay
- 6th: Aaron Burr’s Birthday. You might remember a certain milk commercial from 1993 featuring a guy who ate too much peanut butter to answer the question, “Who shot Alexander Hamilton in that famous duel?” The answer is Aaron Burr, who was our 3rd U.S. Vice President, born on this day in 1756. Also – did you know this commercial was directed by Michael Bay?
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- 1st: National Employee Appreciation Day. If you have employees, today’s the day to give them some love. Don’t have employees? Give a social media shout-out to employees you come across today – a barista, a grocery checker, a sales clerk, a secretary, a receptionist, a nurse – you get the idea. Just about everyone you come across is an employee and deserves a high-five today. #EmployeeAppreciationDay
- 2nd: Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss! Today is Dr. Seuss’s birthday! What’s your favorite Dr. Seuss book or character? Is it the Grinch? The Cat in the Hat? The Lorax? Yertle the Turtle? It’s hard to pick a favorite, isn’t it? #HappyBirthdayDrSeuss
- 6th: Aspirin Registered as a Trademark. Is aspirin your go-to pain reliever? Did you know it actually used to be a brand name, not a generic? On this day in 1899, the painkiller we know as aspirin was trademarked in Germany by Bayer. After World War I, Bayer lost their assets, including intellectual properly. They later sued when U.S. manufacturers offered the drug, still calling it aspirin with no mention of Bayer, but lost. #OnThisDay
- 8th: International Women’s Day. Today is International Women’s Day, and the 2024 theme is “Inspire Inclusion.” Inclusion means creating a world without discrimination or stereotypes. What can we all do to make sure all women are valued at home, at work, in tech, or in sport? #IWD2024 #InspireInclusion
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- ALL MONTH: National Stress Awareness Month. April is National Stress Awareness Month! Did you know that staying stress-free can help you save on life insurance? Life insurance is priced based on your age and health. And since a low-stress lifestyle can help keep your blood pressure low, too, it will pay off when you buy your policy! #NationalStressAwarenessMonth
- 1st: April Fool's Day. Today’s the day to have a little fun – but don’t scare your clients! Big companies often announce fake products or acquisitions. How about announcing a new life insurance risk class for Jedi knights or shoot-‘em-up heroes like John Wick? Or that creatures like zombies, werewolves, and vampires now qualify for life insurance. Whatever you choose, have fun! #AprilFools #AprilFoolsDay
- 2nd: National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day. Today is National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day. I hope you don’t have arichibutyrophobia – the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth! #PBJDay
- 4th: National School Librarian Day. If you can read this, thank a school librarian because today is National School Librarian Day! Behind every kid who loves to read is probably a very good school librarian. Where would we be without the librarians who helped us pick out the first books we fell in love with? What was yours? #NationalSchoolLibrarianDay #ThankALibrarian
- 6th: Happy Birthday, Merle Haggard and Billy Dee Williams. What’s not to like about today? We get to celebrate a great musician and a great actor. Cheers to Billy Dee Williams, probably best known for playing Lando Calrissian in “The Empire Strikes Back” and “Return of the Jedi,” and to Merle Haggard, who sang classic country songs like “Mama Tried” and “Okie from Muskogee”! #HappyBirthdayBillyDeeWilliams #HappyBirthdayMerleHaggard
- 9th: Easter. What’s your favorite thing to find in your Easter basket? Chocolate bunnies, chocolate eggs, Cadbury crème eggs, or jelly beans? #HappyEaster #Easter2024
- 11th: Ellis Island Designated as Immigration Station. On this day in 1890, Ellis Island was designated as the place where new immigrants to the U.S. would disembark from the ship they arrived on. It opened two years later, in 1892. It’s estimated that almost 40% of American citizens have an ancestor who went through Ellis Island. Do you? #EllisIsland #TodayInAmericanHistory #OnThisDay
- 14th: Happy Birthday, Anthony Michael Hall! On this day in 1968, the actor Anthony Michael Hall was born. Of course, you might know him better as the Geek in “Sixteen Candles,” Brian Johnson in “The Breakfast Club,” or Gary in Weird Science. #HappyBirthdayAnthonyMichaelHall
- 15th: Tax Day. Today is Tax Day! Are you feeling the stress of tax season? If you're feeling the sting now, come to me before next year's tax day and we can talk about insurance and financial solutions to make sure next year runs a little more smoothly for you! #TaxDay2024 #PlanWithLifeInsurance
- 18th: National Lineman Appreciation Day. Today is National Lineman Appreciation Day, so let’s all take a moment to think about how power lines make modern life possible. This is a big thank-you to the men and women who do this dangerous job so we can have the conveniences and comfort we love so much. #ThankALineman -P.S. Have a dangerous job and still need life insurance coverage? Get in touch – I can help!
- 20th: Husband Appreciation Day. Today is Husband Appreciation Day! It’s a great time to appreciate the men in your life – husbands, fathers, grandfathers, brothers, friends – who provide support and love for the people who depend on them. #ThankYou #gratitude
- 22nd: Earth Day. Today is Earth Day! This year’s theme is “Planet vs. Plastics.” EarthDay.org wants to raise awareness about the health risk of plastics to people, as well as other living creatures. Their goal? 60% reduction of plastic production by 2040. What can you do to help reach this goal? #EarthDay2024
- 24th: First Cross-Country Road Trip by Car. Have you ever taken a road trip all the way across the country? You’re not alone - the first people to try were Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Murdock. Jacob decided he wanted to be the first to try driving from Los Angeles to New York City, so he loaded up his family in his Packard Thirty on this day in 1908 and set off. His journey of 3,693 miles took 32 days, 5 hours and 25 minutes. But they made it, and are known as the first family to travel across the country by car. #RoadTrip #WhoKnew #OnThisDay
- 25th: National Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day. If you can take your child to work today, do it. If you’re comfortable sharing a picture of you together in the office, go for it. If you’re not, you could share a drawing your child made at work. If you can’t take your child to work (or don’t have kids), do a Google search for “Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work” and share one of the heartwarming stories you find. #TODASTW #TakeYourChildToWorkDay
- 27th: Happy Birthday, Mary Wollstonecraft! Happy birthday to Mary Wollstonecraft, whose novel Frankenstein became a classic! Born on this day in 1759, Mary wrote Frankenstein when she was just 18 years old. She and a few fellow writers were trapped indoors during a rainy day and had a contest to see who could come up with the best ghost story. Mary’s story later became the classic we know and love, and it was published two years later. #HappyBirthdayMaryWollstonecraft
- ALL MONTH: National Physical Fitness and Sports Month. The President's Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition and Healthfinder.gov have teamed up to create videos and other social media posts you can share – click here to get them. #GetActive
- 2nd: National Life Insurance Day. Today is National Life Insurance Day – it’s the anniversary of the day that life insurance first became available in the U.S. Life insurance protects your loved ones from financial insecurity if anything happened to you. If you don’t have any yet, let me know and I’ll help you get covered! #NationalLifeInsuranceDay
- 4th: Star Wars Day (May the 4th Be With You). Today’s the day to drop your favorite "Star Wars" quote onto social media. Who’s your favorite character? What’s your favorite line? If you’re not a fan, you can ask your followers to share their favorite "Star Wars" moments. #StarWarsDay #MayThe4th
- 5th: Cinco de Mayo. Today in 1862, Mexico won a victory over the French at the Battle of Puebla. A lot of people celebrate this day without knowing the reason behind it. It’s a day for Mexico to celebrate its independence. We celebrate it when we broke away from British rule, and Mexico celebrates it when they were able to break away from French rule. Independence is a great reason to celebrate, whether you check out a parade, watch some folk dancing, or raise a glass. #CelebrateCincoDeMayo
- 8th: First Coca-Cola Sold. On this day in 1886, Jacobs’ Pharmacy in Atlanta, Georgia sold the very first Coca-Cola. But it wasn’t quite the recipe you’re familiar with. In fact, it had a little bit of cocaine in it. The drink was actually meant as a medicine for common ailments. The pharmacist mixed it for you on the spot, using syrup and carbonated water. The cost? Just five cents a glass. Later, after 1916 when Coca-Cola was bottled rather than mixed on-site, cocaine was removed from the formula. #OnThisDay
- 10th: National Provider Appreciation Day. Today is the day to thank anyone who cares for the children of working parents: daycare providers, teachers, nannies, baby sitters, and anyone else who lends a hand. Thank you for everything you – you’re what keep our families working so they can put food on the table! #NationalProviderAppreciationDay #ThankYou
- 12th: Mother’s Day. This one’s a no-brainer! Share a special message for your mom, and all of your partners and clients who are moms. Be sure to say thank you for everything they do – and show you appreciate how hard they work! #MothersDay #mother #love #family #motherhood
- 15th: International Day of Families. Celebrate family today, the International Day of Families. Whether your family is traditional or one you made yourself, those bonds keep your community strong. When the United Nations created this day in 1993, the goal was to raise awareness about the social and economic processes affecting families. #CelebrateFamily #InternationalDayOfFamilies
- 17th: National Pack Rat Day. Today’s the day to clean out the garage, the attic, the basement, the spare closet, and anywhere else you keep stuff you probably shouldn’t keep. Your mission, should you choose to accept it: channel Marie Kondo and only keep things that bring you joy. The rest of that stuff? Donate usable clothes and goods to organizations that help the less fortunate, and junk the rest. #NationalPackRatDay
- 20th: Armed Forces Day. Show your support for our armed forces by giving them a big thank-you today! Ask your followers if they have friends and relatives who are currently serving. #ArmedForceDday #ThankYouForYourService
- 23rd: Benjamin Franklin Announced Invention of Bifocals. On this day in 1785, Ben Franklin announced his latest invention: bifocals! If you’ve ever squinted to read a road sign far in the distance or held a can of food up to your face to read the ingredients, pay attention! Bifocals have two different prescription lenses, one to help see things far away and one to help you read things close up. You can thank Mr. Franklin for finding a way to fix both problems at once. #ThanksBenFranklin #OnThisDay
- 25th: Star Wars released in 1977. On this day in 1977, “Star Wars” opened in theaters. It earned $461 million in ticket sales in the U.S. alone and won seven Oscars. What’s your favorite line? Or your favorite character? Did you see it in the theater? #OnThisDay #StarWars
- 27th: Memorial Day. Show your patriotic side by remembering those who gave their lives while serving in America’s military. If you have a friend or relative who died in combat, consider sharing their story. If you don’t, you can share what’s going on in your community – many have parades or ceremonies to honor local heroes. #MemorialDay2024
- 31st: Oldest Bride. On this day in 1991, Minnie Munro – age 102 – married Dudley Reid, age 83, in Australia. She holds the Guinness World Record for the oldest recorded bride. It’s never too late to marry your true love - and if you do, be sure you keep your life insurance beneficiaries updated! #TrueLove
- ALL MONTH: Great Outdoors Month. It’s time to celebrate the natural world! Head outside and see what’s waiting for you to discover. From trails and trees to rocks, lakes, rivers, and oceans, our country is full of beautiful sights to see and share with friends and loved ones. #GreatOutdoorsMonth #GoExplore
- 1st: Happy Birthday Morgan Freeman & Marilyn Monroe! Happy birthday to Morgan Freeman and Marilyn Monroe! Two amazing stars, one special day. #HappyBirthdayMorganFreeman #HappyBirthdayMarilynMonroe
- 4th: Women Get the Right to Vote. On this day in 1919, the U.S. Congressed passed the 19th Amendment, which made voting a universal right, not a right exclusively for men. Women who campaigned for the right to vote – often known as “suffragettes” – had been working for inclusion since the mid-1800s. Of course, this amendment didn’t immediately grant voting rights to all women; thanks to discriminatory state laws, some women – particularly African-American and other minority women – had to keep campaigning and fighting for their right to vote. Still, it was a step in the right direction that we should celebrate. #19thAmendment #TodayInAmericanHistory
- 7th: National Chocolate Ice Cream Day. Today’s the day to celebrate chocolate ice cream! Believe it or not, chocolate ice cream was created before vanilla, thanks to the wider availability of chocolate-flavored beverages like cocoa. What’s your favorite variety of chocolate ice cream? Do you add toppings or are you an ice-cream purist? #NationalChocolateIceCreamDay #ChocoholicsUnite
- 9th: Donald Duck First Appears On-Screen. Today is Donald Duck’s screen birthday! He first appeared on this day in 1934 in “The Wise Little Hen.” In that cartoon, Donald doesn’t want to help a friend do her chores…but then wants to reap some of the rewards later. Sound familiar at all? ;) #DonaldDuckDay #OnThisDay
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- ALL MONTH: National Hot Dog Month. Summer cookouts and backyard parties – sounds like the perfect time for a hot dog! July is National Hot Dog Month, an event founded by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. So how are you going to celebrate? What’s your favorite kind of hot dog – polish sausage dog, red hots, cheese-filled dogs, corn dogs or a new invention all your own? #NationalHotDogMonth
- ALL MONTH: National Ice Cream Month. Hot afternoons and warm summer nights – yep, it’s ice cream season. Great timing, then, since July is National Ice Cream Month. What’s your favorite flavor? What’s the best local ice cream shop? And – this is crucial – what toppings do you want on your ice cream? #NationalIceCreamMonth
- 4th: Independence Day. What does freedom mean to you? You can share your thoughts, or post pictures you have of American landmarks. If you’ve ever visited Independence Hall, Mount Vernon, or a Revolutionary War battlefield, now’s the time to post and share your impressions and photos. #FourthOfJuly #July4 #IndependenceDay
- 7th: First Comic Book Published 121 Years Ago. On this day in 1802, a 4-page series of illustrations – complete with dialogue bubbles – was published in a small paper called “The Wasp.” The cartoons, which told a story using caricatures of people in sequence with dialogue, were all about politics (supporting John Adams at the expense of Thomas Jefferson). Today, it’s generally regarded as the first comic book ever published. #OnThisDay #ComicBookOriginStory
- 11th: Free Slurpee Day. Since 2002, 7-Eleven has been using this day (7/11) to give away one free small Slurpee per person. Stop by during the day and post a picture of your flavor choice. Tell your followers to get their free Slurpee and share their favorite flavor. #FreeSlurpeeDay
- 14th: Mario Brothers First Released in Japan. Did you play a version of Mario Brothers growing up? Nintendo released the very first version in Japan in 1983 as an arcade game featuring Mario, an Italian-American plumber. And look how it’s grown since then! What’s your favorite Mario Brothers game? And who’s your favorite character? #MarioBrothers #nostalgia #OnThisDay
- 17th: Disneyland Opens. On this day in 1955, Disneyland opened its doors for the first time! Did you know that Walt Disney used the cash value of his permanent life insurance to help finance his dream of creating an amusement park? Life insurance can do a lot more than you think! Contact me to learn more or get a free quote! #LittleKnownLifeInsuranceFacts #Disneyland #OnThisDay
- 18th: Insurance Nerd Day. Do you think the insurance industry is boring? I beg to differ! Pioneer State Mutual Insurance Company declared Insurance Nerd Day back in 2016 to help combat the lack of interest in the insurance industry. As an “insurance nerd,” I get to help people and their families do something wonderful for each other: provide financial security in case the unexpected happens. There’s no better feeling than helping people show their family members how much they love them. #InsuranceNerdDay
- 20th: Frank Sinatra Tops the Charts. On this day in 1940, Billboard published its very first singles chart. Topping that chart was “I’ll Never Smile Again” by Tommy Dorsey, with vocals by Frank Sinatra & The Pied Pipers. What’s your favorite oldie-but-goodie? #BillboardFlashback #OnThisDay
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- ALL MONTH: Kids Eat Right Month. Not sure how to help your kids eat better? It starts at the store and continues with what they eat for snacks and meals. Looking for healthy ideas? All month, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is sharing tips for smart shopping, healthy eating and active lifestyles for every age group from infant to teens. Check out some of their resources here: https://www.eatright.org/kidseatrightmonth/celebrate/educate/what-is-kids-eat-right-month #KidsEatRightMonth
- 2nd: Declaration of Independence Signed. On this day in 1776, the Declaration of Independence – adopted on July 4 – was actually signed. Printed copies signed by leaders of the Continental Congress had been circulated since the 4th, but it wasn’t until August 2 that all the available delegates, including John Hancock, got their chance to sign the formal parchment copy. #DeclarationOfIndependence #AmericanHistory #OnThisDay
- 4th: National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day. Today’s the day to celebrate a classic – chocolate chip cookies! Who makes your favorite? Are there any great local places that have homemade cookies? #NationalChocolateChipCookieDay
- 8th: Happiness Happens Day. Created by the Secret Society of Happy People in 1999, today is the day to let your worries go and just be happy. Think of what you have to be grateful for, and focus on that today: family, friends, loved ones, blue sky, pets, cookies…the world is full of reasons to be happy! #HappinessHappens #DontWorryBeHappy
- 11th: Hip Hop Celebration Day. In 2021, a Senate Resolution designated today as “Hip Hop Celebration Day.” Why? Because today’s the day that, in 1973, DJ Kool Herc spun at the “Back To School Jam” in the Bronx. Today, hip hop has a global fanbase that grooves to old-school and of-the-minute beats. What’s your favorite hip hop song? Who’s your favorite artist? #HipHopCelebrationDay
- 15th: Woodstock Began. On this day in 1969, the famous Woodstock festival began in Bethel, New York. On the first day, performers included Joan Baez, Arlo Guthrie, and Ravi Sankar. Throughout the next three days, other performers included Santana, Credence Clearwater Revival, Janis Joplin, Joe Cocker, The Band, and Jimi Hendrix. What a lineup! Who would you have been most excited to see? #Woodstock1969 #RockNRollHistory #OnThisDay
- 18th: Elvis Reached #1. On this day in 1956, Elvis Presley had two songs reach #1, staying in the top spot for 11 weeks – a record for a single release. The songs? “Hound Dog” and “Don’t Be Cruel.” Today, the record for longest stretch at #1 belongs to “Old Town Road” by Lil Nas X featuring Billy Ray Cyrus, which held the top spot for 19 weeks in 2019. #ElvisPresley #MusicTrivia #OnThisDay
- 21st: National Senior Citizens Day. Today's the day to celebrate our seniors! Ronald Reagan declared this day a holiday in 1988. We can celebrate by telling the seniors in your life how much they mean to you. How have they influenced you? Who, in particular, is responsible for your mindset, success, or positive attitude? #NationalSeniorCitizensDay
- 24th: Happy Birthday, Duke Kahanamoku! One of the greatest surfers and swimmers of all time was born on this day in 1890: Duke Kahanamoku. Not only did he help make surfing popular throughout the world, he won a gold medal in the 100-meter freestyle swimming event at the 1912 Olympics in Stockholm, Sweden. #HappyBirthdayDukeKahanamoku
- 26th: Dog Appreciation Day. Today, dog lovers, is for you. The day was created to encourage people to rescue dogs from shelters, as well as to honor working dogs who help law enforcement, the disabled, the blind, and people who need the extra comfort of a therapy dog. Share snaps of your pooch, or tell your followers what your favorite breed is and ask them to share theirs. #DogDay
- 29th: Netflix Founded. On this day in 1997, Marc Randolph and Reed Hastings founded Netflix in Scotts Valley, California. What started as an online DVD rental business has become the streaming network of choice many of us know and love today! #HappyBirthdayNetflix #OnThisDay
- 31st: Princess Diana’s Death. On this day in 1997, Princess Diana died in a car crash in Paris. Her charity work with victims of landmines as well as AIDS patients inspired people all over the world. Today, we remember her as the “People’s Princess” and her funeral was one of the most-watched broadcasts of the century. #OnThisDay
- ALL MONTH: Summer Sun Safety Month. August is Summer Sun Safety Month! From sunburns to heat stroke, August can be tricky. How do you balance hydration with having fun and staying safe? It doesn’t have to be a cruel summer. Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes, drink lots of water, and always wear sunscreen if you’re going outside. What’s your best sun-safety tip? #SummerSunSafetyMonth
- 2nd: Labor Day. What are your plans for Labor Day? Backyard barbecue? Trip to grandma’s house? Rented a houseboat on the lake? Share your ideas and inspire those who don’t have plans yet. #LaborDay2024
- 4th: Kelly Clarkson Wins the First Season of American Idol. On this day in 2002, Kelly Clarkson won the first season of American Idol…and went on to sell over 25 million albums and 45 million singles! What’s your favorite Kelly song? #AmericanIdol #KellyClarkson #OnThisDay
- 6th: Mayflower Set Sail. On this day in 1620, the Mayflower left Southampton, England with 102 Pilgrims on board. This was actually the third try – they’d been trying to leave since July but had to turn back because its companion ship, the Speedwell, sprung a few leaks. On August 6, the Mayflower left without the Speedwell…and landed in the history books. #Mayflower #TodayInAmericanHistory
- 8th: (1) Star Trek & Oprah Winfrey Show debuted or (2) Grandparents Day. Take your pick!
- (1) Two beloved shows debuted on this memorable day! “Star Trek” first aired in 1966, featuring the adventures of Captain James T. Kirk and Science Officer Spock. Exactly 20 years later, the “Oprah Winfrey Show” aired for the first time. Oprah’s show ran for 25 years, winning over 45 Daytime Emmy Awards. #StarTrek #OprahWinfrey #TVTrivia
- (2) Today is National Grandparents Day! From the life lessons to the questionable fashion choices to letting you eat things your parents wouldn’t, grandparents are awesome. What’s your favorite memory with one of your grandparents? #GrandparentsDay
- 10th: “The X-Files” Debuts & Nirvana Releases “Smells Like Teen Spirit.” Two debuts made pop culture history on this day. In 1991, rock band Nirvana dropped their first single, “Smells Like Teen Spirit,” making alternative music a pop culture powerhouse. Just two years later, in 1993, a new TV show called “The X-Files” debuted on Fox, starring David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson. It would run from 1993-2018, making it one of the longest-running science fiction shows in TV history. #OnThisDay
- 12th: First Black Woman in Space. On this day in 1992, Mae C. Jemison became the first Black woman to go into space. She was a Mission Specialist on the shuttle Endeavour’s second flight. She spent over 190 hours in space, conducting experiments on motion sickness and weightlessness. #BlackHistory #WomenInSTEM #OnThisDay
- 13th: Friday the 13th. Many people think of Friday the 13th as a "bad luck" day...but is it? Have you had any good luck on a Friday the 13th? #Friday13th
- 14th: “The Star-Spangled Banner” Written. On this day in 1814, Francis Scott Key wrote a poem that was later set to music…and became our national anthem. After watching a nighttime bombardment of Fort McHenry during the War of 1812, he was impressed by the fact that the American flag was still flying the next morning. He wrote a poem about it, which was eventually set to the music of a popular British drinking song. In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson made the song our national anthem! #StarSpangledBanner #TodayInAmericanHistory
- 16th: Happy Birthday, James Cash Penney! Happy Birthday to James Cash Penney, the founder of JC Penney! He was born on this day in 1875. He started from the bottom, working in a store – and when his employers opened a new store, he bought a partnership. Over time, he bought more stores and opened new ones. By 1929, he had 1,400 stores in the JCPenney chain! But when the Great Depression struck, he had to borrow against the cash value of his life insurance to help his company make payroll. The gamble worked, and you can still shop at a Penney’s today. #JCPenney #LifeInsurance #SuccessStories
- 19th: Talk Like a Pirate Day. How did this happen? We’re not sure, but on this day every year now, people say things like “shiver me timbers” and “walk the plank.” It’s fun, it’s silly, and it’s easy to participate in. You can translate your name into a much cooler sounding pirate name here: https://www.piratequiz.com/ #TalkLikeAPirateDay
- 22nd: Car-Free Day. For many countries around the world, today is Car-Free Day. If possible, can you skip using the car today? Or can you go check out one of the car-free downtown areas of a participating city? It’s good for the environment – and it’s a nice change of pace! #CarFreeDay
- 25th: One-Hit Wonder Day. Today is One-Hit Wonder Day! Started in 1990 by music journalist Steven Rosen, today’s the day to celebrate your favorite one-hit wonder. From Lou Bega’s "Mambo No. 5" to Norman Greenbaum’s "Spirit in the Sky" to The Knack’s "My Sharona," there are a lot of great songs that stand alone. What’s your favorite? #OneHitWonderDay
- 26th: National Pancake Day. Today is National Pancake Day! It’s actually one of two pancake days, with the first being on February 13. Celebrate the chill of fall with a warm and delicious stack of pancakes. Butter? Check. Syrup? Check. Dee-licious. #NationalPancakeDay
- 30th: Anesthetic Used in Dentistry for the First Time. You’re going to be glad this particular scientific advance happened long before you were born! On this day in 1846, a dental anesthetic – ether – was used for the first time by an American dentist, Dr. William Morton. The patient had a tooth pulled, and you can bet they were grateful for anything that made it a little more bearable. #OnThisDay
- ALL MONTH: National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Did you know that the average risk of a woman developing breast cancer is about 13% Let’s all help the women in our lives stay aware and take as much preventive care as possible. From risk factors to drugs that lower those risks, check out this information from the American Cancer Society: https://www.cancer.org/cancer/types/breast-cancer/risk-and-prevention.html #BreastCancerAwareness #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth
- 1st: (1) National Coffee Day, or (2) Julie Andrews’s Birthday. Take your pick!
- (1) Today is National Coffee Day! On this day in 1723, the first shipment of coffee from Brazil to the U.S. took place. Some of us celebrate coffee every single day – but if you don’t, today’s the day to make it count! #NationalCoffeeDay
- (2) Happy birthday to Julie Andrews! She’s been in so many famous movies: The Sound of Music, Mary Poppins, The Princess Diaries…which one is your favorite? #HappyBirthdayJulieAndrews
- 4th: National Taco Day. Does anyone else find it odd that National Taco Day isn’t on a Tuesday? ;) As if we needed another reason to celebrate a tasty taco, today’s the day to get your hands on this all-time classic. Who makes the best taco around? Let’s get a list of recommendations going! #NationalTacoDay
- 6th: First U.S. Train Robbery. On this day in 1866, the first robbery of a moving train in U.S. history took place! Two brothers, John and Simeon Reno, stole $13,000 from an Ohio and Mississippi train in Jackson County, Indiana. #OnThisDay
- 9th: Happy Birthday, Eugene Bullard! Happy birthday to Eugene Bullard! He was the first African-American military pilot to fly in combat. He flew for France in World War I as a member of the French Foreign Legion. Born in Columbus, Georgia in 1895, he later stowed away on a ship and settled in France. He learned to fly after being wounded at the Battle of Verdun – all because he bet a friend that he could join the French air forces! #HappyBirthdayEugeneBullard
- 12th: Ada Lovelace Day. The daughter of the famous poet Lord Byron, Ada Lovelace had talent of her own – she’s widely credited as being the first computer programmer. She worked with Charles Babbage on his calculating engine, called the Analytical Engine. She wrote a program that calculated Bernoulli numbers using the Engine. #AdaLovelace #AdaLovelaceDay2024
- Share with: Resources on Ada - https://www.biography.com/scholar/ada-lovelace or https://www.computerhistory.org/babbage/adalovelace/
- 14th: Yeager Breaks Sound Barrier. On this day in 1947, pilot Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier. He was the first person to fly faster than speed of sound in the X-1 aircraft, which exceeded 662 miles per hour at 40,000 feet. Until this flight, no one was sure it was even possible to fly that fast. #AviationHistory #ChuckYeager #OnThisDay
- 16th: National Dictionary Day. Word(le) nerds, unite! Today is National Dictionary Day. What’s your favorite (G-rated) word? When was the last time you looked something up in a dictionary? Today’s the day to browse an online dictionary and learn a new word, just for fun. #NationalDictionaryDay
- 18th: Two Unforgettable Premieres. Today is a day for unforgettable premieres! On this day in 1892, the beloved holiday ballet “The Nutcracker” by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky premiered in St. Petersburg, Russia. Many years later, on this day in 2009, the movie “Avatar” premiered, directed by James Cameron, and went on to become the highest-grossing movie of all time. Two very different experiences – both unforgettable! #OnThisDay #Nutcracker #Avatar
- 20th: Get Smart about Credit Day. Today is Get Smart about Credit Day! Established by the American Bankers Association, today’s the day to help your kids be smart about credit before it’s too late. What’s your best tip for teens or young adults just getting started with credit? #GetSmartAboutCreditDay
- 23th: Happy Birthday, Weird Al Yankovic! Today, we say happy birthday to Weird Al, one of the funniest and most creative musical artists out there. What’s your favorite Weird Al song? #HappyBirthdayWeirdAl
- 26th: Time’s 1982 Person of the Year is a Computer. On this day in 1982, TIME magazine announced their person of the year: the computer. Yeah, I’d say that was a pretty safe bet that computers were going to change our world. What do you wish computers could do that you still have to do yourself? Putting away laundry, maybe? #OnThisDay
- 29th: National Cat Day. Today is National Cat Day, created in 2005 to help encourage adoption and help the millions of cats in shelters find their forever homes. Let’s celebrate our feline friends…and the countless hours of companionship and online entertainment they’ve provided for us. Comment with a picture of your favorite feline! #NationalCatDay #AdoptDontShop #CatLovers
- 31st: Halloween. Show your followers your costume! Or your pet’s costume. Or your office’s spooky décor. If you’re not into photos, tell them a quick scary story, or a memory about Halloween from your childhood, or drop a quote from your favorite scary movie. #Halloween #Halloween2024
- ALL MONTH: National Diabetes Month. The National Institute of Health has an awareness kit for the month. Click here to get it, and share any of the facts, videos, or posts available. #NationalDiabetesMonth #DiabetesMonth
- ALL MONTH: Native American Heritage Month. All month, we’re celebrating the contributions Native Americans and Alaskans have made to our country and our culture. From the achievements of legendary athlete Jim Thorpe to the bravery of the WWII Cherokee “Code Talkers,” there’s a lot to talk about! For more information, check out the official website: https://nativeamericanheritagemonth.gov/ #NativeAmericanHeritageMonth
- 2nd: Daylight Savings Time Ends Tomorrow. Don’t forget to “fall back” and set your clocks back an hour before you go to bed tonight! #DaylightSavingsEnds
- 4th: King Tut’s Tomb Discovered. On this day in 1922, Howard Carter rediscovered the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun. Today, there’s a traveling exhibit with replicas of more than 1,000 items found in the tomb. If you go to the Grand Egyptian Museum in Egypt, you can see many of the real treasures Carter re-discovered. #KingTut #Egyptology #OnThisDay
- 6th: Abraham Lincoln elected 16th President. On this day in 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected the 16th president of the United States. He defeated three other candidates, including Stephen Douglas, to win 180 electoral votes and the presidency. #AbeLincoln #16thPresident #OnThisDay
- 9th: Happy Birthday, Hedy Lamarr! Today we say happy birthday to Hedy Lamarr, a beautiful actress originally from Austria who made a splash in Hollywood. Always interested in mechanics and technology, she worked on inventions in her trailer on movie sets. In the early 1940s, she and George Antheil created a new communication system that later became the basis of modern wireless technologies, like Bluetooth and WiFi. #HappyBirthdayHedyLamarr
- 11th: Veterans Day. Show your patriotic side! Share a message of thanks and appreciation for those who have fought to help keep our country free. You could also share local events your followers might be interested in, or interview a veteran if there’s one in your family or book of business who’d like to talk about their service. #VeteransDay #ThankAVet
- 13th: Disney’s “Fantasia” Released. On this day in 1940, the Disney animated film “Fantasia” was released. Have you seen this movie? It features animated segments set to classical music, including the famous Sorcerer’s Apprentice featuring Mickey Mouse. Which part is your favorite? #DisneysFantasia
- Share with: The original trailer from 1940, available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omwdODyz8vI
- 15th: Grace Bedell Suggests Abraham Lincoln Grow a Beard. Kids say the darndest things…and always have. On this day in 1860, a little girl named Grace Bedell wrote to Abraham Lincoln. She’d seen his picture and knew he was running for president. To help him get elected, she suggested he grow a beard because his face was too thin – she thought this would make more women like him, and urge their husbands to vote for him. #TodayInAmericanHistory #PresidentialTrivia
- 17th: American Education Week Begins. Today is the first day of American Education Week! If you can read this, thank a teacher! If you have school-aged kids, consider sending a thank-you note with them to school to present to their favorite teacher. #AmericanEducationWeek #ThankATeacher #EducationForAll
- 20th: In 1984, McDonald’s Made Its 50 Billionth Hamburger. On this day in 1984, McDonald’s made its 50 billionth hamburger. That’s a lot of burgers! Today, it’s estimated that McDonald’s sells over 6 million burgers every single day. Will one of them have your name on it? #McDonalds #HamburgerHistory #OnThisDay
- 22nd: On this day in 1995, "Toy Story" was released. It was the first feature-length film created using 100% computer-generated imagery. Did you see this one in the theater? #ToyStory #OnThisDay
- 24th: D.B. Cooper Hijacks a Plane…and Disappears with $200,000. On this day in 1971, Dan “D.B.” Cooper hijacked a plane, asked for $200,000 in ransom money, and jumped out of the plane with the cash over Washington State. Only a small portion of that money was recovered near the Columbia River. Today, the mystery remains: what happened to D.B. Cooper? #DBCooper #UnsolvedMysteries
- 28th: Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving! It’s that time of year again – time to gather with friends and family around a table and share a meal to celebrate. I wish you all a safe and happy holiday. And remember: if politics are too divisive in your family, you can always talk about life insurance instead! #HappyThanksgiving
- 29th: Black Friday. Today is Black Friday – are you out shopping or did you already buy your gifts online? Any great deals to recommend? #BlackFriday #ShopTilYouDrop
- 30th: Small Business Saturday. Today is Small Business Saturday! Let’s all try and make time to shop our local mom-and-pop stores. Shopping small businesses is a great way to support real people in your community *and* get more holiday shopping done. #SmallBusinessSaturday
- NOTE: We included posts for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. You may also want to add Hanukkah (25th- Jan 2nd), Festivus (23rd), and/or Kwanzaa (26th-1st) to your posting schedule.
- 2nd: Cyber Monday. Today is Cyber Monday! Are you worn out by all the holiday shopping yet? If so, today’s the day you get to stay home and order gifts in your pajamas. Phew! #CyberMonday
- 3rd: (1) International Day of Persons with Disabilities and (2) Giving Tuesday. Take your pick!
- (1) Today is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities! Created by the United Nations in 1992, this day encourages us to try to better understand the experiences of people with a disability. What’s your best tip for creating a more inclusive workplace? #DisabilityDay #DisabilityAwareness #inclusion #DisabilityAdvocate #DisabilityRights
- Share with: Click here for a sharable graphic promoting this day and disability inclusion.
- (2) After all the crazy spending we did on Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday, it’s Giving Tuesday! It’s time to put a little of that money to charitable use. Today’s the day to donate to organizations that help others – as little as $1 can make a big difference! Share ideas for places to donate, or ask your audience where they prefer to give. #GivingTuesday
- (1) Today is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities! Created by the United Nations in 1992, this day encourages us to try to better understand the experiences of people with a disability. What’s your best tip for creating a more inclusive workplace? #DisabilityDay #DisabilityAwareness #inclusion #DisabilityAdvocate #DisabilityRights
- 7th: Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day. On this day in 1941, the bombing of Pearl Harbor cost more than 2,000 American lives. Today, we remember them. You can share a link to the USS Arizona Memorial (https://www.nps.gov/valr/index.htm) and ask how many of your followers have been there or had family members who were stationed there. #PearlHarbor #USSArizona #PearlHarborMemorial
- 10th: Marie Curie Awarded Nobel Prize for Physics. Women in STEM for the win! On this day in 1903, Pierre and Marie Curie were awarded the Nobel Prize for physics for their study of spontaneous radiation. #WomenInSTEM #MarieCurie #OnThisDay
- 13th: (1) Friday the 13th and (2) Celebrating Two Iconic American Women: Grandma Moses and Taylor Swift. Take your pick!
- (1) Today is the second (and last) Friday the 13th of 2024! Many people think of Friday the 13th as a "bad luck" day...but is it? Have you had any good luck on a Friday the 13th? #Friday13th
- (2) Today, we’re celebrating two American icons: the painter Grandma Moses and singer/songwriter Taylor Swift. On this day in 1961, Grandma Moses (Anna Mary Robertson) passed away at age 101! She only started painting at age 76, but her work caught on fast. Her scenes of American country life made the covers of Time and Life magazine! Fast-forward to 1989, and Taylor Swift was born. Her work would also land her on the cover of Time magazine as their person of the year in 2023. #AmericanIcons #GrandmaMoses #TaylorSwift
- 16th: National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day. Today's the day to wear that ugly Christmas sweater and post a pic on social. Better yet, have an office "Ugly Christmas Sweater" contest and have your followers vote on the winner! #UglyChristmasSweater #UglyChristmasSweaterDay
- 17th: (1) Wright Brothers Flight and (2) National Maple Syrup Day. Take your pick!
- (1) On this day in 1903, the Wright Brothers made history with their first flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. Look how far we’ve come! #FirstInFlight #WrightBrothers #OnThisDay
- (2) Today is National Maple Syrup Day! How should you celebrate? Make time for any of the delicious dishes you can top with maple syrup! Your first thought is probably breakfast foods like pancakes and waffles, but you can also use syrup to glaze meats, sweeten sauces, or top desserts like pies and ice cream. #MapleSyrupDay #Foodie
- 19th: “A Christmas Carol” Published. Bah humbug! On this day in 1843, Charles Dickens’s “A Christmas Carol” was first published, introducing the world to Ebenezer Scrooge, Tiny Tim, and the Ghost of Christmas Past. #AChristmasCarol #ChristmasClassics
- 20th: "It's a Wonderful Life" Premiered. On this day in 1946, Frank Capra’s classic "It’s a Wonderful Life" premiered. How many times have you seen it? What are your favorite parts? Ask your followers to share their memories and thoughts about this holiday classic. #ItsAWonderfulLife
- 21st: First Day of Winter. It’s official – we’re now in winter. What’s your weather like today? Ask your followers if it feels like winter where they are. #FirstDayOfWinter #WinterIsComing #WinterSolstice
- 24th: Christmas Eve. It’s that time again! Let’s check in with the Santa Tracker and see what’s going on in the North Pole, as Santa gets ready for his big trip tonight: https://santatracker.google.com/village.html #ChristmasEve2024 #SantaTracker
- 25th: Christmas Day. Wish your clients and prospects a merry Christmas. Don’t overthink it – keep it simple and heartfelt. #MerryChristmas
- 28th: “The Greatest Game Ever Played.” On this day in 1958, the Baltimore Colts and the New York Giants faced off in what became known as “The Greatest Game Ever Played.” It was the first sudden-death overtime game in NFL history. In the end, the Colts defeated the Giants, 23-17, to win that year’s NFL championship. 16 future Hall of Famers played that day, including Johnny Unitas, Frank Gifford, and Vince Lombardi. #GreatestGameEverPlayed #SportsHistory #OnThisDay
- 31st: New Year’s Eve. Out with the old and in with the new! Wish your clients a fantastic new year, and tell them you can’t wait to help them achieve their financial goals in 2025. #NewYearsEve2024
That’s our list of 2024 social media calendar starters!
Do you have any special occasions or holidays that have been a hit on social media? Tell us in the comments!